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Old Testament Literature Biblical Archaeology Professor


Ethics, Philosophy Christian Worldview Professor


Systematic Theology Philosophy of Religion Professor

God Will Ultimately Reveal Himself To You


Dr. Eric Mitchell has always loved reading the Old Testament narratives.

After attaining a BBA in Finance/Computer Information Services at Baylor University, he sought discipleship training at Doulos Ministries and later served as a Business administrator there.

He served two churches as Minister of Youth. Eric attained an MDiv from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, and then a PhD in Old Testament & Archaeology from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Ky.

Eric served for 21 years as professor of Old Testament and Biblical Backgrounds at Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Tx. He now serves as the L.C. Kelley professor of Biblical Interpretation at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, Pineville, Kentucky. He is most interested in how Old Testament authors literally shape their texts; as well as how the combined ancient contexts of Scripture, historical event, culture and language help us to better understand the author’s intended meaning.

He is the co-author of Old Testament Survey (B&H 2007), of which its third edition is forthcoming.

Additionally, Eric served as an associate editor of the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (B&H, 2015) and as an editor for the Modern English Version Bible translation (2015). He has contributed articles to the Lexham Geographic Commentary (Lexham, 2020), Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary (B&H, 2003), and Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Baker, 2020). He has contributed articles to the Southwestern Journal of Theology, Israel Exploration Journal, Hadashot Arkheologiyot, and Biblical Illustrator.

For ten seasons he directed the Tel Gezer Regional Survey Archaeological project in Israel.

He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Near East Archaeological Society, and the Creation Theology Society. He and his wife, Nancy, attend Rock Creek Baptist Church where he teaches Bible study and preaches as needed. Eric is a woodworker.

Strengthen Your Relationship With God


Dr. Craig Vincent Mitchell is a polymath (one whose knowledge covers a large number of subjects, and who draws on many bodies of knowledge to solve problems). He has attained four degrees in engineering and management, an MDiv, an MA in Economics, a PhD in Christian Ethics/Philosophy, and is ABD on a PhD in Public and Urban administration.

Craig served as an US Air Force officer/ engineer, who tested aircraft and spacecraft (active duty 2 October 1980 - 31 December 1992). In 2012, He testified before congress over the issue of the Separation of Church and State.

Craig served as a professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2002-2014) and at Criswell College (2014-2017). He also served as a research fellow for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2005-2014.

Currently, Craig serves as a Senior Fellow for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. In addition, Craig is a board member for the Institute of Religion and Democracy.

He is now an independent scholar in the fields of Christian ethics, economics and engineering and He speaks and writes on issues involving Christian ethics and public policy. Craig preaches and teaches regularly in his church.

Imagine You Didn't Doubt God anymore


Dr. Kevin D. Kennedy was born and raised in North Carolina in a Christian family.

After receiving a call to the ministry while at Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C. he transferred to Liberty University where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Ministries. While a senior there he received the Liberty University Academic Achievement Award in Theological Studies. A year after graduating from Liberty he began seminary studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina.

In his final year in the Master of Divinity program at Southeaster Seminary he received the Ellis W. Hollon, Jr. award in Philosophy of religion. These two academic awards convinced Kevin that theological education was his future. He returned to Liberty University where he was an instructor in theology for three years.

His experience there convinced him that He needed to pursue a Ph.D. degree in order to be the best teacher that he could be. He left Liberty in order to pursue a Ph.D. degree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky.

After earning his Ph.D. in 1999, Kevin was appointed to the faculty of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2002 and spent the next thirteen years teaching theology and Church History there.

In 2015, he and his wife Jeanne returned to live in Louisville Ky., where they reside today.

Kevin teaches Bible study and preaches at his church. Kevin is a skilled photographer at both taking and developing beautiful pictures.

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